Health Care Services: Engineering, Consulting + Compliance



As part of keeping our world safe, 安全 and resilient we understand the unique needs of the health care environment. Whether it is solving new construction design concerns, providing Life Safety Code assessments to individual facilities, 或与综合卫生系统或区域卫生保健联盟合作开展应急准备工作, we bring a deep awareness of healthcare operations and challenges. 皇家88娱乐通过了解您的需求并开发解决方案和技术来支持您,皇家88账户注册些解决方案和技术可以无缝集成到您的组织提供关怀和保护品牌声誉的能力中.

Jensen Hughes

Safety, Security + Resilience for your Health Care Ecosystem

Regulatory Readiness

Partnering with health care teams to foster continued compliance with CMS, Accrediting Organizations, and state/local AHJs in Life Safety, Environment of Care, and Emergency Preparedness.

Training + Preparedness

根据病例历史和最佳做法,制定和培训所需的专业卫生保健应对计划, ensuring proper response to fire and other disasters.

Emergency Planning + Response

Serve as trusted advisor and partner to develop, 锻炼, 实施应急管理计划,在医疗保健领域建立组织弹性.

Digital Solutions


Facility Design + Construction


Facility Maintenance Operations

为医疗保健提供端到端的合规服务,以支持“生命安全”的所有领域, “Fire Safety” and the ITM of passive and active systems.

Health Care Forensics

调查危重病人和工作人员事件,帮助医疗机构降低风险, including medical device forensics.

Security Risk Consulting

Our services include Security Risk Management, Threat + Violence Risk Management, Investigations, Law Enforcement Consulting and Private Client Family Office 安全.


Focused, Caring and Expert

皇家88娱乐专注于重要的事情,皇家88娱乐关心的是使您的环境尽可能安全. 皇家88娱乐的专业知识确保您得到最好的建议,并从最新的创新中受益.

皇家88娱乐的目标是为医疗保健皇家88娱乐带来皇家88娱乐领先的合规和消防安全专业知识. 医疗保健面临一系列独特的挑战,皇家88娱乐的专家将指导您克服皇家88账户注册些挑战,他们多年的经验意味着您可以依靠皇家88娱乐满足您的所有需求.

Connect with an Expert

如果您想与皇家88娱乐的专家交谈并了解皇家88娱乐如何帮助确保您的医疗机构安全, 安全 and resilient, please get in touch.

Our Health Care Services

Health Care Planning + Design


Regulatory Readiness

Partnering with health care teams to foster continued compliance with CMS, Accrediting Organizations, and state/local AHJs in Life Safety, Environment of Care, and Emergency Preparedness.

Emergency Planning + Response

Serve as trusted advisor and partner to develop, 锻炼, 实施应急管理计划,在医疗保健领域建立组织弹性.

Training + Preparedness

根据病例历史和最佳做法,制定和培训所需的专业卫生保健应对计划, ensuring proper response to fire and other disasters.

Facility Maintenance Operations

为医疗保健提供端到端的合规服务,以支持“生命安全”的所有领域, “Fire Safety” and the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance (ITM) of passive and active systems.

Health Care Digital Solutions


Health Care Forensic Services

调查危重病人和工作人员事件,帮助医疗机构降低风险, including medical device forensics.

Security Risk Consulting

Our services include Security Risk Management, Threat + Violence Risk Management, Investigations, Law Enforcement Consulting and Private Client Family Office 安全.

Health Care Building Planning Cycle

Covering every key stage of the project

皇家88娱乐的团队可以从早期设计和规划阶段就为您的医疗保健设施的新建或翻新提供支持, through to the construction phases and completion and commissioning. Our capabilities help you with the design, 建筑和系统,以确保您的建筑具有所有正确的功能,使其安全, 安全, and resilient. Fire protection, 安全, 在皇家88娱乐的建筑规划方法中,都考虑到了对已知和未来危险的恢复能力. Our approach does not stop with the building and infrastructure, 皇家88娱乐的能力包括通过火灾应对培训来实施皇家88账户注册种弹性和反应, emergency response training, and preparation and 安全 operations. Our partnership with organizations is a long term relationship of support, both in the built environment and the organization’s operations.

Center of Excellence

皇家88娱乐的医疗保健团队专注于了解您企业的复杂需求,并带来他们的知识, 洞察力和经验,为您最复杂的医疗安全问题提供潜在的解决方案. 该团队由顶级皇家88娱乐专家组成,致力于保护最重要的东西. They are always happy to talk, so please reach out.

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医疗保健组织正在改变,将重点放在服务质量和患者体验上. 皇家88娱乐与您合作,提供最高水平的建筑和系统安全,同时确保您可以计划, respond to and recover from any type of emergency. During design, construction or renovation, 皇家88娱乐提供代码和标准遵从性支持,同时帮助您在法规变更时保持领先地位.

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根据1964年民权法案第六章,皇家88账户注册确保在所有项目和活动中不歧视. 如果您需要更多的信息或为残疾人或英语水平有限的人提供特殊帮助, contact the Jensen Hughes Compliance Team at 410-737-8677 or